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\r\nPlease help our ratings reflect that {{appName}} is the best.
\r\n\r\n\r\n Why should you care about {{appName}}'s rating?
\r\n Better ratings
A 5 star rating helps. We only get 10 or so reviews / month, so every one counts.
\r\n A 1-4 star rating harms {{appName}}. {{ showLearnWhy ? '(close)' : '(learn why 4 star ratings do harm)'}}
\r\n App ratings are used to position {{appName}} either above or below other apps in search results.\r\n Most people only install the top 1-2 apps, so having a good position is very important.\r\n A 5 star rating should be given when the app is better than the alternatives. 4 star or lower ratings will position other apps above {{appName}}.\r\n A 5 star rating does not require a perfect app, though we'll work towards that continually.\r\n
\r\nLeaving a rating is optional, but we greatly appreciate it. If you don't want to leave one, just click Submit.